Little Free Library Nº 167913

About Us

Great Pyrenees and Cardigan Corgi inspect a stack of books from Little Free Library in Columbus, Nebraska

What is a Little Free Library?

Little Free Libraries are a global movement dedicated to making books accessible to everyone. The idea is simple: take a book, leave a book. These free-standing mini libraries can be found in neighborhoods all over the world, giving people the opportunity to share, borrow, and enjoy books with their community. With over 100,000 Little Free Libraries worldwide, these tiny libraries bring books to book deserts and foster a love of reading for all ages.

Little Free Libraries operate on the honor system, meaning that when you take a book, you can return it when you’re done or replace it with another book for someone else to enjoy. They help build community, promote literacy, and make the world a bit brighter—one book at a time.

Barks & Novel's Story

At Barks & Novel, we’re proud to be part of this amazing movement. Our Little Free Library is more than just a box of books – it’s a hub for our neighborhood. Whether you’re looking for your next favorite read or simply out for a walk with your dog, Barks & Novel is here for you. As proud recipients of the 2023 Little Free Library Impact Grant, we’re committed to expanding access to books and helping our community fall in love with reading.

You’ll also be greeted by our resident “librarians,” Roman, a Great Pyrenees, and Lady Jane, a Cardigan Corgi. They may bark a lot, but that’s just their way of saying hello and making sure you feel welcome! 

How It Works:

Come, Wag, Read, Repeat.